Saturday, September 4, 2010

Update ...

Okay, I realized that I haven't been posting on here for awhile, so that's what I'm doing now! Sorry for the delay if there's anyone who's been sitting on the edge of their seat, waiting. (Yeah, right!)

Let's see ... This week Hunter and Preston started school. What's neat is that they're in the same school! It's nice for me cuz then I walk them both to school and then take Jordan to the sitter and I'm ready to go! Less time taken in getting everyone to their schools (like last year). Hunter's going to great, I think. He loves learning and being in the classroom (let's hope he stays that way!). His teacher is really nice and has said that Hunter's doing really well. I'm so proud of Hunter because he really is respectful and helps as much as he can. I think that will help him further down the road. Preston's having a little harder time adjusting, but hopefully he'll get into a stable routine soon. He has the same teacher Hunter had for Kindergarten and Preston's in the morning class (like Hunter was too!). They go to school and eat breakfast together and play for a few minutes before class starts. I'm hoping the year will be good once things really get going! Poor Jordan - he's ready and willing to go to school, but unfortunately is past the deadline. He'll have to wait until next year to go, darnit! He has a backback (or 2) so when it's his turn, he'll be ready!
As for me, school seems to be kicking my butt. I had homework even before the semester officially started! It's been a little tough adjusting to the amount of work we're expected to do, but I think once a rhythm is established, it'll get a little easier (even if it's a miniscule amount!). What works for us is that pretty much every one in my class is in the other classes so we're a mini-family. And the teachers want to help us learn so if we're struggling, we can go to them and get things worked out. I did have to change my work schedule (again) so that I could have time to study during the day, spend time with the kids (and maybe work on some cleaning) during the evening, and study some more when the boys go to bed. My employer didn't really like that, but I have to do what I have to do! School has precedence.
For extra-curricular stuff, Preston's going to gymnastics once a week. Hunter has soccer right now until October then he'll be doing gymnastics again (they both did it in the summer). Spring will bring baseball for Hunter and probably gymnastics still for Preston. We'll see what he says for that.
Other than that, we're just settling into our new routine: school, play, eat, sleep, repeat. Although for me it's: study, study, eat, deal with kids, study, study, sleep (maybe more than 5 hours), study, repeat. Or something like that anyway! Whatever's going on, though, we're staying busy.
Well, it's late and I'll probably think of more stuff later. For now, I'm signing off and going to bed. Night!

Monday, May 31, 2010

The End

So a lot has happened these last few months, but more importantly has come the completion of Kindergarten for Hunter and pre-school for Preston. I am having a hard time adjusting to the fact that the school year is OVER and that my two older boys will be moving up in the education system. Then, on top of that, my little sister has graduated high school. Am I really that old? I suppose turning 29 this year doesn't qualify me as old, but some days I certainly feel it! I was just thinking about birthdays and am kinda chuckling to myself because tomorrow, my ex turns 30. His 20's are over. I, however, still have 1 more year in my 20's! I shouldn't gloat or laugh, but somehow I really do think it's funny! Oh well. I've been thinking about the boys and how much they've grown. I'm still shocked that Hunter will be in 1st grade, Preston in Kindergarten and Jordan may possibly be in pre-school (if they accept him! I really hope they do since that would be so incredibly AWESOME!). Then I think of my schooling. I sure hope this summer is easy-breezy-rice-and-cheesy because starting in the fall, it's going to be crazy for me! I'm excited and really nervous at the same time! I hope I do well and can pull A's in my classes. I know a few people in the program so I won't have to make a bunch of new friends, but I suspect I'll need to make friends with as many people as possible because we'll be a family once the program starts! I'm rambling so I must be tired! I guess I'm just feeling old ... Why do kids have to do that?!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I made a change yesterday. I'm still getting used to it. Brace yourself .... I went back to my roots, almost literally. I went back to my natural hair color! It's dark but the girl did a really good job. I was inspired because I saw a picture of when my youngest brother graduated from high school and I had dark hair but it was just beautiful and shiny and long. I wanted my hair to be shiny again by jove! So I think I'm on the right track for now, giving my hair a chance to recover from being subjected to chemical treatment every 3 months or so ... So here's what I look like with dark hair and the picture that inspired me ... ;-)

So that's it. I'm a brunette again. It's so weird too becaus I'm used to seeing mainly blonde. I have, however, gotten a few compliments so that makes me feel good that it does look okay!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A&P Presentation

Man, I just finished my presentation for A&P. After 3.5 hours. However, I think it's pretty awesome. There's a lot of information and the really AWESOME thing is I can tweak this a little and use it for my Microbiology class! Woohoo! So most of the work is done and hopefully I get some good feedback! Now I've just gotta finish up the written portion of it and then work on my article for Microbiology that's due March 9 (I'd rather get head start so I'm not bustin' butt the weekend before!).

Monday, February 22, 2010

1st Day ... Again

Since I was naughty last week, I decided to start over. Consequently, today was my first day (again). I did upper body and I'm hurting a little. It'll be intersting to see how I fare tomorrow. And I'm also watching what goes in my pie hole so hopefully I can get a handle on that as well! So far, so good. For anyone wondering, I'm back on track and this time will stay that way! Wish me well (again) because this is the last mulligan I'm taking (for this, anyway!).

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Week 3

I'm so so so so so naughty. Did I mention I was naughty?? I haven't done ANY workouts this week! It's full of excuses so I can fill you in if you'd like, even though they might be kinda lame. Sorry for disappointing everyone. I wll definitely work harder at going to the gym every day. Now I think I'll go ground myself or sit in time-out for a little bit ...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Start of the 2nd week

So, I'm off to a great start this week. I did my lower body workout and definitely felt that! However, I was bad and didn't do my cardio on Saturday (it's Shawn's fault! lol) so I'll have to try and make it up somehow. Maybe. Cardio's kinda been kickin' my butt. I know, though, that the more I do it, the easier it gets, right? I hope so ... Now I'm back on track and the workouts seem to be a little easier. I think next week I will incorporate free weights. *sigh* We'll see!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

1st Friday

The first work-out week is almost over, just one more cardio day and I have a day of rest. I think this is the sorest week I've EVER had. Today I worked my upper body and that wasn't as bad. The chest fly was a little hard since I was still kinda sore from the upper body workout from Monday (as we all know). After the workout, though, I came home and took some strong ibuprofen, ate a peanut butter/honey roll-up and drank some milk. My arms are feeling okay right now, a little sore perhaps, but tomorrow is a different story. I wonder how the others in my group are doing?? I know Shawn is in pain (hang in there!).

Here's to one more day of painful insanity, a day of rest and it starts all over again ...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 4

I wonder if I'll remember the day # as I continue tis journey ... ? So yesterday I worked my lower body. What I discovered is that I'm not as limber as I was say, last year! As I was working out, I was thinking, 'Man this isn't too bad! It's kinda easy!' Knowing that, today I am discovering that the workout was NOT as easy as I originally thought. My adductor muscles (and yes, I do know where those are) protest every time I walk (and when don't I?!?!). Fortunately, it's not as bad as when I did the upper body workout - I'm still getting over the pain from that one and I'll be doing upper body tomorrow (ouch). I had to take some ibuprofren last night and go to bed at a decent hour. I wonder what kind of condition I'll be in on Saturday?? I can see it now ... ouch ouch ouch ouch (lol). On a good note, Dana and Shawn have been doing well on their ends. I know it's inconvenient sometime, but I really appreciate them doing their own program thingy with me! Thanks guys! And now, off to bed ... after some milk and maybe a cookie or two!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 2

Alright. It's day 2 (of umpteen million it seems) of my workout regimen. Can I just say ... OUCH! I can hear my mucles SCREAMING at me for actually making them work. Then to top that off, I did some cardio. My legs now understand why my upper body was so vocal and they're joining in on it too. On a side note though, I can distinguish what muscles are unhappy with me by name (thanks to my A&P class!!). I can't wait till Friday when the upper body will scream at me again, cuz apparently I won't learn today's lesson! I'm assured it gets better so I'll continue on. I've also got Shawn working with me (thanks sweetie!) so I'm not the only one in pain. I'm not sure about Dana, so hopefully it's not too bad for her!

Until tomorrow's daily dose of whine ...

Monday, February 1, 2010

1st Day

Okay, I knew the first day would be hard and it lived up to and beyond my expectations. I am way sore right now. I feel like I can't use my arms at all so it's a miracle I'm able to type right now! However, the first day is over and done with. Phew! Tomorrow is cardio and that'll just about kill me. I think I'll be a step up from dead. On an up side though, it can only get better right? And, I've even got Shawn (the boyfriend) involved. He's going to do some weight lifing after Heroes tonight! Thanks sweetie! Now it's Dana's turn to get involved ;-) hehe j/k Dana!!

And as I'm typing this, children are causing discontent with each other. Off to seperate them ...

Of this week, 1 out of 6 exercise days down!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Decision Time

So, I made a decision. I've decided it's finally time to get off my lard-filled hiney and do something about my physical condition. I've decided it's time to lose weight. I'm going to follow the Body for Life program by Bill Phillips, which is 12 weeks. I'm starting February 1, 2010. The end of my 12 weeks will be April 25, 2010. Wish me luck and just be patient if I happen to get grouchy (sorry!).

Friday, January 29, 2010

The 1st Blog ... Ever

So, apparently blogging is all the rage now. And if I want to keep up with everyone, I suppose I should join the band wagon. This makes me think of the movie 'Julie & Julia' with Amy Adams and Meryl Streep (good movie, btw). However, I will NOT be doing 524 recipes in 365 days. No way, no how. There would be no time and I'm afraid I wouldn't make it out alive!

Anyway, so I have started college (again). Not only am I throwing myself back in to this crazy world, but I am taking 2 hard classes - Intro to A&P and Microbiology. Microbiology and I haven't mixed in the past, but I have a different teacher this time so I'm hoping I'll do better. So far so good. I have to take these last 2 classes in order to apply to the LPN program in March. Wish me luck because I'm going to need all I can get! I'm already going crazy since I have a test in BOTH classes on Tuesday -- YEEHAW! Mercy ...

I'm not the only one in school, though. Hunter, my oldest, is in Kindergarten and he LOVES it! He does well too. We have to work on his handwriting though, but that's a work in progress. He's had a few school programs and it's been fun to watch him. I'm extremely proud of him.

The other family member in school is Preston. He's in preschool. He's going to Head Start and is also loving it! He loves that he goes to school too. He usually asks if he gets to go to school and he does, but not on Fridays. And to add to MY to-do list, I serve as Chairperson for his center and as Vice-Chair on Head Start's Policy Council. Can someone make sure I don't add any more to my plate?!

Then there's Jordan. He's such a cute little turd. He's my sweet boy. Although, when he has a moment, he has a moment! There's no question about that!! lol He's anxious to start school and has a backpack like his brothers, but alas, its not his turn (yet). I know the day will come.

So, that's us in a nutshell, at least this nutshell. Stay tuned and see what comes!