Wednesday, April 20, 2011


It's been quite awhile since I've posted a blog :( Being busy with school and kids kinda does that I guess! So, as the title implies, there have been some changes in my life.

First, I have been busy with classes and that should be paying off in a few months. I'm set to graduate in July and I have every intention on doing that! I was also voted President of my class so the extra duties have been keeping me busy as well. I've really enjoyed getting to know my classmates and feel we're a big family! Today was our last simulation and it always makes me a nervous wreck but my group did alright, I'm so proud of them! :-)

The boys are doing well too. We're in the middle of some things so they're not too happy with me sometimes. It's kind of funny because in dealing with them, I try to practice my therapeutic communication I need for nursing - there's nothing like practicing on your kids! haha :-) Hunter is doing well in school and I am amazed at how well he's reading. He's also becoming a good young man. He's turning 8 this summer which means he'll be able to be baptized. (Which also means that I'm turning 30 this year, how'd that happen?!?!) Preston is doing fantastic. We had a rough start to the school year, with the change to Kindergarten, but once we figured out a good system, he's been doing well! He is left-handed and so I love to watch him write. I know that sounds weird but I love how he writes different letters and sometimes they'll be backwards lol, but he does so well. He's so smart and I'm happy he enjoys his class and teachers. Jordan just gets to hang out with me on days I don't have something going on and he takes full advantage! He's gotten to be a big momma's boy so preschool may be an adjustment for him. I'll hope for the best though. He does a pretty good job of keeping up with his brothers so I'm not too worried about him. They're all growing so fast, but I love them very much and am so proud of them. I'm grateful I was chosen to be their mom. *tearing up* :-)

Another change that's happened is that we've moved out of the apartment we were in. I wanted to do that and finally an opportunity came, so I seized it. How does that saying go? Carpe diem? We moved into a 3 bedroom house with a yard and garage (nice!) and the rent is in my budget (which isn't much lol). We had to change wards but the boys are in the same school, they'll go to the new school next year. The really neat thing is that the new school is right down the street from us! How neat is that?!?! I've somehow managed to be in a residence that's been close to the kids' school; we're even closer to this one than we were to their current school! I've heard good things about this school so I'm anxious for the new school year to start! This change has been good for us and I feel blessed.

This year I'm turning the big 3-0. I think I'm ready for it. It's time to let the 20's go and move forward. At the same time, though, it's hard to let that part go. I think it'll be a little different for awhile but once I get my footing, I'll be okay :-) I'm hoping to take the NCLEX by that time so I'll know by my birthday if I'm gonna be an LPN. That'd be so sweet! :-D I'm planning on having a big party of friends and family and having a great time. We're totally going to BBQ, so the weather better cooperate!!! haha

Other changes have been that my little bro got married about 2 weeks ago. I am glad he found someone who makes him happy. The weather could have cooperated a little better for them though (it snowed in Logan on their wedding day). So he and his wife are living in wedded bliss :-) Speaking of relationships, I became a single woman again. It was a hard decision, but it was mutual. Perhaps in time we can revisit and start again, so we'll see. The feelings are still fresh but time is a healer of all things, right?

I suppose I will close this for now. I will try to be more up to date on our happenings, but there's no guarantees! lol Bear with me and be patient. :-) Have a great day!!

Overall, I think we're doing alright. Some days are harder than others, but we're surviving and making our way through the best we can.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Update ...

Okay, I realized that I haven't been posting on here for awhile, so that's what I'm doing now! Sorry for the delay if there's anyone who's been sitting on the edge of their seat, waiting. (Yeah, right!)

Let's see ... This week Hunter and Preston started school. What's neat is that they're in the same school! It's nice for me cuz then I walk them both to school and then take Jordan to the sitter and I'm ready to go! Less time taken in getting everyone to their schools (like last year). Hunter's going to great, I think. He loves learning and being in the classroom (let's hope he stays that way!). His teacher is really nice and has said that Hunter's doing really well. I'm so proud of Hunter because he really is respectful and helps as much as he can. I think that will help him further down the road. Preston's having a little harder time adjusting, but hopefully he'll get into a stable routine soon. He has the same teacher Hunter had for Kindergarten and Preston's in the morning class (like Hunter was too!). They go to school and eat breakfast together and play for a few minutes before class starts. I'm hoping the year will be good once things really get going! Poor Jordan - he's ready and willing to go to school, but unfortunately is past the deadline. He'll have to wait until next year to go, darnit! He has a backback (or 2) so when it's his turn, he'll be ready!
As for me, school seems to be kicking my butt. I had homework even before the semester officially started! It's been a little tough adjusting to the amount of work we're expected to do, but I think once a rhythm is established, it'll get a little easier (even if it's a miniscule amount!). What works for us is that pretty much every one in my class is in the other classes so we're a mini-family. And the teachers want to help us learn so if we're struggling, we can go to them and get things worked out. I did have to change my work schedule (again) so that I could have time to study during the day, spend time with the kids (and maybe work on some cleaning) during the evening, and study some more when the boys go to bed. My employer didn't really like that, but I have to do what I have to do! School has precedence.
For extra-curricular stuff, Preston's going to gymnastics once a week. Hunter has soccer right now until October then he'll be doing gymnastics again (they both did it in the summer). Spring will bring baseball for Hunter and probably gymnastics still for Preston. We'll see what he says for that.
Other than that, we're just settling into our new routine: school, play, eat, sleep, repeat. Although for me it's: study, study, eat, deal with kids, study, study, sleep (maybe more than 5 hours), study, repeat. Or something like that anyway! Whatever's going on, though, we're staying busy.
Well, it's late and I'll probably think of more stuff later. For now, I'm signing off and going to bed. Night!

Monday, May 31, 2010

The End

So a lot has happened these last few months, but more importantly has come the completion of Kindergarten for Hunter and pre-school for Preston. I am having a hard time adjusting to the fact that the school year is OVER and that my two older boys will be moving up in the education system. Then, on top of that, my little sister has graduated high school. Am I really that old? I suppose turning 29 this year doesn't qualify me as old, but some days I certainly feel it! I was just thinking about birthdays and am kinda chuckling to myself because tomorrow, my ex turns 30. His 20's are over. I, however, still have 1 more year in my 20's! I shouldn't gloat or laugh, but somehow I really do think it's funny! Oh well. I've been thinking about the boys and how much they've grown. I'm still shocked that Hunter will be in 1st grade, Preston in Kindergarten and Jordan may possibly be in pre-school (if they accept him! I really hope they do since that would be so incredibly AWESOME!). Then I think of my schooling. I sure hope this summer is easy-breezy-rice-and-cheesy because starting in the fall, it's going to be crazy for me! I'm excited and really nervous at the same time! I hope I do well and can pull A's in my classes. I know a few people in the program so I won't have to make a bunch of new friends, but I suspect I'll need to make friends with as many people as possible because we'll be a family once the program starts! I'm rambling so I must be tired! I guess I'm just feeling old ... Why do kids have to do that?!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I made a change yesterday. I'm still getting used to it. Brace yourself .... I went back to my roots, almost literally. I went back to my natural hair color! It's dark but the girl did a really good job. I was inspired because I saw a picture of when my youngest brother graduated from high school and I had dark hair but it was just beautiful and shiny and long. I wanted my hair to be shiny again by jove! So I think I'm on the right track for now, giving my hair a chance to recover from being subjected to chemical treatment every 3 months or so ... So here's what I look like with dark hair and the picture that inspired me ... ;-)

So that's it. I'm a brunette again. It's so weird too becaus I'm used to seeing mainly blonde. I have, however, gotten a few compliments so that makes me feel good that it does look okay!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A&P Presentation

Man, I just finished my presentation for A&P. After 3.5 hours. However, I think it's pretty awesome. There's a lot of information and the really AWESOME thing is I can tweak this a little and use it for my Microbiology class! Woohoo! So most of the work is done and hopefully I get some good feedback! Now I've just gotta finish up the written portion of it and then work on my article for Microbiology that's due March 9 (I'd rather get head start so I'm not bustin' butt the weekend before!).

Monday, February 22, 2010

1st Day ... Again

Since I was naughty last week, I decided to start over. Consequently, today was my first day (again). I did upper body and I'm hurting a little. It'll be intersting to see how I fare tomorrow. And I'm also watching what goes in my pie hole so hopefully I can get a handle on that as well! So far, so good. For anyone wondering, I'm back on track and this time will stay that way! Wish me well (again) because this is the last mulligan I'm taking (for this, anyway!).

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Week 3

I'm so so so so so naughty. Did I mention I was naughty?? I haven't done ANY workouts this week! It's full of excuses so I can fill you in if you'd like, even though they might be kinda lame. Sorry for disappointing everyone. I wll definitely work harder at going to the gym every day. Now I think I'll go ground myself or sit in time-out for a little bit ...